Mr. F.C. Sondhi, a great philanthropist and self made businessman, was born in the year 1906 in Sialkot which is now in Pakistan. Through his own hard work and self education, he was able to do well in his academic studies and was called by the then major sports company in United India, M/s Uberoi Limited to work there. He developed a shining reputation for honesty and was put under the personal supervision of Mr. Uberoi himself. At first he was made the inspector of branches of Uberoi Limited in India to ensure that branch offices were working properly & honestly and then as a reward for his good work he was sent to Rangoon in Burma in 1932 to look after the branch office there. Once again since he was successful in Rangoon, the company sent him to England.
Again the branch office in England was quite successful but during the 2nd World War between England and Germany the office was totally destroyed by bombs (it was situated in central London). Mr. Uberoi reluctantly closed down the office and told Mr. F.C. Sondhi to return to India. However, since no transport was available during the war days, and to go by ship was extremely dangerous, Mr. F.C. Sondhi had to stay in England and tried to make both ends meet by buying and selling various commodities.
Immediately after the war, Mr. F.C. Sondhi started his own small business in the Toy Trade in England in 1944.
Mr. F.C. Sondhi lived in England from 1936 onwards, but during the last 20 years of his life he visited India regularly every year and was keenly involved in projects and programmes particularly those for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden.